
Showing posts from March, 2018

All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, by Edward Klein #BookTalk on Dueling Dialogues Ep. 84

All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, by Edward Klein  On today's show: The Plot to Destroy Trump Grace and Connor discuss the book, All Out War, The Plot to Destroy Trump, by Edward Klein. Klein points out shocking details about the Obamas and the Clintons as well as James Comey. In other news:  A Judge denies Stormy's request to depose Trump. The Inspector General to finally look into FISA but likely will need to go to a special council. Trump's doctor, White House physician Ronny Jackson will replace David Shulkin for Veterans Affairs Secretary. Kushner sightings have been scarce as The White House begins looking into his family business. US sends home Russian Diplomats over the incident in the UK, Russia responds by sending home 60 US diplomats and closes the US Consulate in St. Petersburg. Trump calls Roseanne Barr and congratulates her on the revival of her TV show that covers splits in family opinion on modern issues. For a list of source links, visit ht...

'Stormy' Weathered - Is her Story Relevant? by Dueling Dialogues

'Stormy' Weathered - Is her Story Relevant?- Dueling Dialogues Ep. 83 On today's show: 'Stormy' Weathered Who is Donald Trump? Why did voters cast their ballots in his direction? Grace and Connor discuss the Stormy Daniels interview with Anderson Cooper. HR is out and John Bolton is in. Was it Steve Bannon or was it Nancy Pelosi? For a list of source links, visit Listen to "'Stormy' Weathered - Is her Story Relevant?- Dueling Dialogues Ep. 83" on Spreaker.

Could Trump's Tariffs Destroy the 'Secret Empires' From Peter Schweizer's Book? by Dueling Dialogues

Could Trump's Tariffs Destroy the 'Secret Empires' From Peter Schweizer's Book? by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 82 Trump Tariffs Expose Secret Empires Peter Schweizer releases his book, Secret Empires, the contents reveals a lot of Chinese bribery linked to top politicians on both the democratic and republican sides. Joe Biden, John Kerry, Mitch McConnell and others linked to the Clinton, Bush, and Obama governments all seemed to have family or friends receiving large sums of Chinese money, in one case amounting to $1.5 billion. Trump puts $50 billion more in tariffs on China and Schweizer's book may be the reason. Trump's chief attorney on Russian probe quits. Where's Steve Bannon? For a list of source links, visit Listen to "Could Trump's Tariffs Expose the 'Secret Empires' From Peter Schweizer's Book? by Dueling Dialogues Ep. ...

Hypocritical Hillary-Her Dependency by Dueling Dialogues

Hypocritical Hillary-Her Dependency by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 81 Hypocritical Hillary Grace and Connor are back from spring break. The duo discuss Hillary's future including her health concerns. Also, her recent comments about women who voted for Trump because of the men in their lives influencing them. Is this merely psychological projection of her own history of dependency? For a list of source links, visit Listen to "Hypocritical Hillary-Her Dependency by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 81" on Spreaker.

Trump Tariffs and ‘Stormy’ Times Ahead? by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 80

Trump Tariffs and ‘Stormy’ Times Ahead? – Dueling Dialogues Ep. 80 On today's show: Trump Tariffs and 'Stormy' Times Ahead? Today is International Women's Day. Viola Desmond a black activist has been put on the Canadian $10 bill. Stormy Daniels arrested for beating her husband according to Todd Schnitt. Gary Cohn leaving post but name is in Paradise Papers. Hope Hicks questioned by committee had 2 email addresses hacked, legal fees are not covered by White House. Did this lead to Flynn pleading guilty? UK says 21 people being treated for nerve agent after Russian spy attacked. Could this lead back to the dossier? Illegal immigrants turning on democrats due to turning down the DACA deal. Drug charges dropped after suspect refuses to poop for 47 days. Elon Musk thinks Trump is making a mistake on the tariffs. Confirmed Meghan Markle has been baptized and confirmed to be part of royal family. Joy Behar apologizes for comparing Christianity to insanity. Trans Pacifi...

#MeToo is Hollywood’s Hypocrisy by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 79

#MeToo is Hollywood’s Hypocrisy – Dueling Dialogues Ep. 79 On today's show: #MeToo is Hollywood's Hypocrisy #MeToo after the oscars. Kobe Bryant's hypocritical win. Ryan Seacrest under scrutiny now. Women in Hollywood make 30% of their male counterparts. Trump policy proposals are a litmus test for democrats and republicans. Trump's tariff on steel and aluminum. Minuchin says no tariffs on Canada or Mexico. George Bush tried a 30% steel tariff in 2002, rejected by the WTO. Is Trump taking shots at the WTO? Or, is he mad about losing the Bombardier tariff? Jared Kushner loses security clearance. Ivanka up for investigation into Vancouver's Trump Tower owned by Chinese billionaire. Did Kellyanne Conway violate the Hatch Act in Alabama as she seemed to back 2 opposing candidates? Megyn Kelly's show dropped. Kim Jong Un wants to talk about giving up nukes to end sanctions. Sam Nunberg fired twice by Trump, vows to not reply to a subpoena, then gives intervie...

#MeToo Minimized and Headed for Failure? by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 78

#MeToo Minimized and Headed for Failure? – Dueling Dialogues Ep. 78 On today's show: #MeToo Headed for Failure? Big weekend for #Metoo with Academy Awards. What's expected to be on the show is gun control and bashing Trump. #MeToo movement is really a failure, Bill O'Reilly working for NewsMax, Matt Lauer going to work for CNN. President Trump enacts tariffs on aluminum and steel, also goes after NRA. Could affect the midterm elections and put government into a stalemate. Nineteen year old man on loose after university shooting, 2 people dead. Hope Hicks resigns. Billy Graham has his funeral. New episode of Will and Grace makes fun of John McCain and Lindsey Graham with gay joke. Breach with Equifax effects a few more million people. Mike Huckabee named to country music board in Nashville but immediately resigns. Kentucky poses a 25 cent per pill tax on pain pills. California couple accused of child cruelty. Bruce Willis film up in arms about the gun debate. For a lis...

Trump Announces 2020 Run -Kushner's Future in Question by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 77

Trump Announces 2020 Run -Kushner's Future in Question by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 77 On today's show: Trump Announces 2020 Run President Trump announces presidential run for 2020 and names campaign manager Brad Parscale. Hope Hicks answers questions in front of judicial committee. The Angry Canadians. Companies severe ties with NRA. Democrat Dianne Feinstein does not get support for another run. San Diego University offers class on presidential impeachment. Roger Goodell fines Jerry Jones $2 million. The 2018 Winter Olympics overview. A Vancouver Island man adopted a pot bellied pig from his local SPCA animal shelter, took the pig home, fattened it up, and ate it. He did not break any laws but has been barred from adopting any animals by the SPCA. For a list of source links, visit Listen to "Trump Announces 2020 Run -Kushner's Future in Question- Dueling Dialogues Ep...

Book Review ‘The Sociopath Next Door’ by Martha Stout #Sociopaths

12 Million Americans are sociopaths therefore, every time you find yourself in a group of 25 people you can expect there is at least one individual without a conscience.

Bill Clinton's Midwestern Victims Came Forward First by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 40 #MeToo

Bill Clinton's Midwestern Victims Came Forward First by Dueling Dialogue Bill Clinton's Midwestern Victims Came Forward First Al Franken details surface on sexual abuse. What about Bill Clinton's actions in the past? Juanita Broddrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, and Gennifer Flowers all spoke out, they are the real heroes. Don't forget Hillary taking shots at the rape victim, Kathy Shelton. House passes their Tax reform bill. Still has to go through the senate. More women come forward to accuse Judge Roy Moore, he refuses to walk away from the election. Jerry Jones under attack from other NFL owners for not backing Roger Goodell's outrageous contract renewal. Bob Menendez trial for corruption gets ruled a mistrial. Leonardo Da Vinci painting sells for $450.3 million. Russian probe accuses Jared Kushner of not being fully forthcoming with panel's probe. Ordered to answer inquiries to include: He needs to turn over Emails, WikiLeaks, Russian Back...