Obama’s $150 Billion Blunder by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 89

Obama’s $150 Billion Blunder – Dueling Dialogues Ep. 89

On today's show: Obama's $1.5 Billion Blunder

May 1st kicks off election season. Republican debate in West Virginia tonight.

Netanyahu reveals Iran nuke activity despite the $150 billion Obama gave them. Democrats say Iran didn't break treaty, they just lied to create the treaty.Massad obtains 100K+ files on Iran.

Seven years since Bin Laden was killed.

Trump postpones tariff increases for Europe, Canada, and Mexico.

Amazon announces new warehouse facility in Vancouver.

Justin Trudeau is paying for protests against himself on Western Canada's pipeline issue. Turdeau takes a page out of the DNC, Antifa, and the Soros playbook.

Freedom Caucus 31 members of congress, drafts up 8 impeachment articles against Rosenstein. White house dinner makes the news as Michelle Wolf pushes the limits of comedy with anti-Trump routine.

Mueller turns over 50 questions to Trump's legal team. Topics are Flynn, Comey, Sessions and campaign ties to Russia. Questions leaked to NYT.

May is mental health month.

CNN investigation finds over 4 years 103 Uber drivers accused of sex assault, 31 convicted.

Fitbit and Google to send Fitbit info to doctors.

Facebook F8 Conference is happening this week. Clear visibility into political ads and stopping fake news is Facebook's focus in coming months.

Dark chocolate can now improve your vision.

For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1182/obamas-1-5-billion-blunder-dueling-dialogues-ep-89/

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