Kavanaugh Gets Picked Like a Scab by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 119

Kavanaugh Gets Picked Like a Scab – Dueling Dialogues

Kavanaugh hearings continue as democrats take aim at discrediting him at any cost. Protesters hired to disrupt his hearings.
NYT publishes anonymous article from Trump insider that pushes the definition of treason.
Bob Woodward book has Trump quotes that seem to not be authentic.
DOJ finally opens probe on Andrew McCabe.
Committee hearing on Google, Facebook, and Twitter, over bias algorithms. Google is a no-show athearing.
Nike hires Kaepernick as spokesperson, while their stock drops. Missouri college drops Nike products.
Health insurance woes created by McCain, on our next show.

For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1315/democrats-pick-at-kavanaugh-like-a-scab-dueling-dialogues-ep-119/

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