2015 was a productive year in science with the discovery of 211 previously unknown species in the Eastern Himalayas, alone. We are apparently just beginning. In addition, scientists learned to control the speed of light, and grow vegetables in space with evidence suggesting water on Mars the possibilities are endless. Beyond Science captured these and many more in this summary of 2015, a year of scientific breakthroughs that promise to make life on Earth and beyond better.
The recipe base consists of only two ingredients and both are super healthy. This is a fabulous recipe for health conscious and/or gluten free individuals. As a pancake or bread replacement, your imagination sets the limits. A banana and an egg, is all it takes to create the batter for your healthy pancakes, add one or more stir-ins and toppings to make it uniquely yours. We all know bananas are a healthy source of potassium, but the potential benefits are often obscure. According to Medical News Today, bananas have several potential benefits. The potassium in bananas can help keep blood pressure in check and aid in healthy heart function. As part of a diet high in vitamin C, fresh fruits, and vegetables research found a significant reduction in cases of childhood leukemia and colorectal cancer. Records show, a banana a day as part of a high-fiber diet, reduced glucose blood levels in type-1 and 2 diabetics. Often blan...
Hypocritical Hillary-Her Dependency by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 81 Hypocritical Hillary Grace and Connor are back from spring break. The duo discuss Hillary's future including her health concerns. Also, her recent comments about women who voted for Trump because of the men in their lives influencing them. Is this merely psychological projection of her own history of dependency? For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1151/hypocritical-hillary-dueling-dialogues-ep-81/ Listen to "Hypocritical Hillary-Her Dependency by Dueling Dialogues Ep. 81" on Spreaker.
It’s that time of year; sweet treats take center stage at parties and family gatherings. Gluten free doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the fun or deny yourself a few sweets. Here’s an excellent treat I put together to take to a cookie exchange.
Russian Collusion Facts – Dueling Dialogues Ep. 118 Common sense facts about alleged Russian Collusion. These people are all pointing fingers but have zero credibility: James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Bruce Ohr, Christopher Steele, were all not doing their jobs. Are they accusing Trump because they are guilty? Bruce Ohr is testifying right now. Journalist Sarah Carter receives copies from emails between Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele. Email proves they were nervous about getting exposed. Lanny Davis att. for Michael Cohen is a good friend of Clintons. Backsteps on a lot of statements that were already made. Lanny was used to consult with Washington Post and CNN about meeting at Trump tower. Mexico and US meet trade deal. Where does that leave Canada? John McCain becomes a deity to people that once cursed him. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1310/russian-collusion-facts-dueling-dialogues-ep-118/ ...
Age or die young, for everyone, this is a grim reality. Our Souls at Night is a beautiful story about a relationship between two aging adults who form a unique friendship in order to alleviate the devastating loneliness in their lives.
Gorgeous color with full-bodied taste and texture, this combination relies on the slow roasting process to combine flavors that taste so rich it will leave you wondering if it is really healthy.
The Shore explicitly exposes a third-world culture so ignored by modern society it will surprise most that it exists in the United States. The author provides raw insight into an impaired society that resides on the gorgeous islands of the Chesapeake Bay. Murder, rape, domestic abuse, poverty, addiction, and birth defects haunt the inhabitants of the marsh and despite the hellacious fear, the indoctrination is so deep that most never leave and those that do, inevitably return.
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