Dueling Dialogues Ep. 20 - Mercenaries in the Shadows

Mercenaries in the Shadows. Obama’s Organization For Action or OFA, derailing healthcare. Soros funding these protesters and the growing. OFA is an army sent to heckle and disrupt as paid bullies. OFA sent members to cheer on John McCain, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski. All refused to sign Health Care Bill. Barak Obama’s website, has two links OFA and Obama Foundation. IRS has them as non-partisans. Facebook group gives Obama a podium to his followers. Is Obama looking to make a political comeback? Trump is being blocked and getting attacked by Obama’s OFA group as they try and take Trump down. What did George Bush’s shadow government look like?

Breaking News, Wiener gets 21 months for sexting with a minor. Steve Scalise back after being shot. U.S. Economy flourishing under Trump. Hugh Hefner has died at age 91. Rick Pitino fired as Louisville coach over paying college players. ISIS release a new recording. Trump upset with Health and Human Service secretary, Tom Price…for excessive spending on travel.


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