Dueling Dialogues Ep. 43 - Operation 'Fat Leonard'-The Tentacles are Growing

Ep. 43 - Operation 'Fat Leonard'-The Tentacles are Growing by Dueling Dialogue :

Operation 'Fat Leonard'? A recent tipster claims the ordeal will get political. The Worst Navy scandal ever. Glenn Defense Marine Asia is the operation known as The 'Fat Leonard', owned by Leonard Glenn Francis. At this point 440 top Navy officials are being investigated for taking bribes from Francis.

Four women come forward stating Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them on Air **** One, via author Ed Cline.

Matthew Rozsa gives reasons why Hillary Clinton needs to be the 2020 Democratic Candidate.

Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele paid 3 journalists to write stories to seemingly further collaborate the dossier and the Russian scandal.

Michael Flynn's legal teams separate from Trump's counsel.

The canned meat Spam is 80 years old today.

Jeff Bezos is now the world's richest man and is worth $100 billion as Black Friday skyrockets Amazon stock.

Bernie Sanders says past year has been awful.

For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/957/dueling-dialogues-podcast-ep-43/


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