Dueling Dialogues - Psychopaths and Sociopaths Rule Our World

Psychopaths and Sociopaths Rule Our World by Dueling Dialogue

On today's show: Psychopaths and Sociopaths Rule Our World  Nancy Pelosi drives Grace to prove that politicians are unaware and never accountable and might very well  all psychopaths and/or sociopaths.
Wire transfers from Russian government for Russian citizens to vote. Only 30k,  how much damage could they do?
Congress under fire for Jacki Speir saying there are two serial sex harassers.
Trump helps UCLA players get back home from China.
Shooting at a California school kills 4 and wounds 1 other. Shooter is dead, also killed his wife.
DA in Penn State case say they have enough evidence to account for every minute from starting to drink to being discovered dead.
Unnamed actress files sexual battery charges against Weinstein from 2015 and 2016.
Senate attaches Obamacare legislation to the tax bill. Congress has not agreed to this yet.
For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/938/dueling-dialogues-podcast-ep-39/


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