McCain's Thumbs Down- Why the Middle Backs Trump-BTW Is Beto America's Trudeau? By Dueling Dialogue

On today's show: McCain's Thumbs Down- Why the Middle Backs Trump-BTW Is Beto America's Trudeau?

Grace and Connor on fire!

Media takes aim Trump strikes back. John McCain, the dossier, and thumbs down to healthcare reform. the fallout remains alive.

Robots and computers bring new challenges to the middle.

Why Trump is the last hope for middle class and middle America.

Who is Beto and is he America's Trudeau? 

Trudeau manipulates Google and Facebook in efforts to shut down and cover up LavScam scandal. Opposition launches filibuster requiring 257 separate votes putting parliament into marathon all night session. Opposition wants to hear the truth on LavScam while Liberals continue with gag orders. Is Trudeau rigging the election through allowing 'irregular' immigrants to vote? OECD still investigating SNC-Lavalin.

For a list of source links, visit's-trudeau?-dueling-dialogues-ep-161/


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