Will We See Obama Run With Biden? by Dueling Dialogues Ep.174

On today's show: Will We See Obama Run With Biden?

Get fired up with us!
Will we see a Biden and Michelle Obama or even a Barack ticket?
Obama appointed judge rules in favor of Trump handing over financials to Congress.
Is censorship ever ok? Censorship is happening in Trudeau's Canada.
Michigan's Justin Amish first Republican to come out in favor of impeaching Trump. Mitt Romney says there is nothing in the Mueller report to impeach.
Loretta Lynch calls Comey a liar amid Durham investigation.
Are transgender sports ok?
Are we throwing the word treason around too much?
Chinese PM plays national anthem each morning.
Is socialism always a product of indoctrination? One out of four people are in favor of socialism.

For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1591/will-we-see-obama-run-with-biden?-dueling-dialogues-ep-174/


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